Seven Reason To Change Your Oil Ontime
Why Changing Your Oil is ImportantWhy is changing engine oil so at the proper interval so important? Making sure that you changing your oil on a regular basis is the most important routine vehicle maintenance there is. Properly scheduled oil changes are crucial in keeping your car running properly. Our fully trained and certified staff are here to give you advice that you can trust. So whether you have a brand new vehicle that you just picked up or you are driving a vehicle that is a trusted friend, regular oil changes are something you cannot ignore.
1. Regular Oil Changes Keep You Engine CleanWhen oil flows into the engine from other areas, dirt and other particles will begin to accumulate within it. If you are not changing your oil at the proper intervals, sludge will begin to build up in your engine. Those who may live in drier, dustier areas will have even more particles making there way through. Changing your engine oil as well as replacing [...]
Your Cars Gas Cap. Is It Really That Important?
Answer May Surprise You!
A gas/fuel cap performs three very important functions
2. Fuel Economy
3.Reduces Harmful Emissions.
Many may not even think that vehicles gas cap could be a maintenance issue. Besides the safety concern of gasoline spilling out of a recently filled gas tank, gas caps can save a you a lot of money in fuel expenses if they are properly used and properly maintained and replaced when the cap is worn out.
This sometimes un-noticed part of a car’s fuel system can help raise the emissions of a car, which has a negative effect on your performance and gas mileage. Listen for a hiss when you loosen the gas cap. That means that it is fitting well, it [...]
How To Check Vehicle History Before Buying A Used Car
Buyer Beware Series Article
Buying a used vehicle requires a lot of preparation and research. Looking up Official documents is a great way to educate yourself about the vehicle, but buyer beware of counterfeit documents—always check them against the vehicle identification number to verify authenticity.
Using an online VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) check can be the easiest way find out the history of a used car. The NewsWheel wrote an excellent article highlighting a website called Just enter your VIN and get a documented history of the vehicle your researching.
The NewsWheel article points out that the Information included in a report is
a VIN report that covers the following information:
• General characteristics of the vehicle, including the manufacturer, specs, gas mileage, safety features, etc.
• Records on maintenance, registration, title, reports on previous purchases
• Records on insurance, theft, export, lien, impound, etc.
Buying a used car can cost you a fortune if you [...]
Bait and Switch
Buyer Beware Series Article
You have probably heard the term ” caveat emptor” or “Buyer Beware”. Seems simple enough however there are some dealerships that might try to take advantage of unsuspecting customers.
Here is one way this can happen.
Bait and Switch
The Scam: The dealer advertises a vehicle with a great price, but when you go to the dealership, they say it’s already been sold! They then show you a more expensive vehicle. Perhaps you have been offered a really really low down payment. An offer like “$1.00 gets you into any car” may seem to good to be true. It usually is because when arrive at the lot to buy a vehicle you find out you also need $2000 for tax and license before you can drive away!
“The whole point of a bait-and-switch ad is to get you to the showroom.” Says Business Insider
What To Do: Call the dealership just prior to visiting [...]
Low Mileage, Good Price-High Mileage, Better Price
Searching For A Used Car?
Perhaps you’re looking for a used car that has the latest technology such as adaptive cruise control and cameras that provide a 360-degree view of the surroundings. But, you can’t afford a 2-year-old model with average miles, but Highway Motors has the car of your dreams, and it’s a thousand less. There’s one problem: This 2-year-old model has over 100,000 miles. Should you stay clear?
Here’s a few pointers to help make a decision on either one of these cars.
The first thing with any car is “do your research”. CARFAX is a great reference as to the condition and reoccurring problems the may be a problem. Check if there are repetitive problems, such as serious (and expensive) issues with the transmission, power steering, electrical system and engine. Replacing the engine’s timing chain, for example, can run $2,000 to $3,000.
Knowing a car’s history is important. Ask the dealer to show you data [...]
Protection From Flooded Used Vehicles
Buyer Beware Series:Damaged Cars Coming Out Of Flooded Regions Of U.S.!
We all remember the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma. It is important to note that Hundreds of thousands of cars were flooded in those hurricanes .
2017 Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria,
Although most of those vehicles have since been taken off the market. But don’t under estimate the number that have been restored and sent to the auction. Unsuspecting buyers of used vehicles, hundreds of miles from where they were flooded months earlier could fall victim of unscrupulous dealers or private sellers.
Assumptions Can Cost You Money!
Our example consumer knew when he bought the vehicle that underneath had some rust, and the engine compartment had what seemed like a light coating of road salt in it, which he assumed meant the car came from somewhere in the [...]